Saturday, July 10, 2010

some quirks

Here are a few "quirks" we've had to deal with:

1. Nate would not ride in an elevator until he was 7. It sucked because the neurologist's office was on the 9th floor.
2. Nick was very afraid of the automatic flushers in public restrooms.
3. The electric hand dryers in public restrooms scare Nate and Noah.
4. Noah almost vomits at the sight of noodles......I have a kid who won't eat mac n cheese or spaghetti.
5. Nate will not drink anything that has ice in it. He also won't eat ice cream :(
6. Noah STILL is not potty trained. His swim diapers are SCREAMING at the seams!
7. Nate would freak out when we pumped gas. That elicited many strange looks at the gas stations.
8. Any dental work must be done under anesthesia. This includes x-rays and cleanings.
9. Poop spread through the house is just WRONG. When Noah comes to me and says "don't touch the poopies", I am filled with terror.
10. All 3 boys can put the doctor, two nurses, and Tim to the floor during a routine exam.

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