Monday, July 12, 2010

the little yellow bus

If you live in St. Louis County and have a special needs child, they begin their education on their 3rd birthday. The little yellow bus comes and takes them to school.
When Nate was 2 years 6 months, we started the transition into Special School District (SSD). My case manager through First Steps was a great help. First, I had to take Nate in for a screening to see if he qualified. I don't think he had any skills beyond 15 months. Then we had our first IEP meeting......out first of many. He qualified for all services...speech, OT, PT, and ABA. He needed so many services that he had to go full day just to have time to do everything.
On Feb. 16, 2001, the little bus came to pick Nate up. They didn't have car seats on the bus, but harnesses for the little ones. I stayed at the sitter's to help get him on the first day. Oh he screamed!
Then, I did something stupid..........I followed the bus all the way to school. I could hear him screaming each time they opened the door to pick up another student. Nate was crying, I was crying, and my mom was crying (on her cell phone with me). I felt like a horrible and mean parent putting my baby through this.
His first month of school was rough. He used to fall asleep on the bus on the way home since he didn't have time to nap with all his therapy. He was so strung out that all he did at home was spin Tupperware lids.
It did get better. After a week, he no longer cried getting on the bus. He also slept well at night since he worked so hard during the day.
Nick turned 1 in April of 2001. He was not pointing, clapping, or waving. He also did not turn his head when I called his name. Could it really happen twice????? I made another appointment with the neurologist..........

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