Saturday, December 31, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes

The Autism Bill went into affect on January 1, 2011.  The therapists started on January 2.  The progress has been amazing.  You wouldn't believe the difference in the boys.  I don't have the official summary from the new treatment plans, so I will give you an overview of the skills acquired.


  • He showers in the morning, almost independently.  He has a list of steps that stick to the shower wall and a staff member is standing at the bathroom door to keep him going.
  • He dresses independently (except shoe tying).  He just has trouble with putting the belt through the belt loop at the back of his jeans.  He can do this in less than 8 minutes.  When staff started, it took over 30 minutes.
  • He independently washes his face and brushes his teeth.
  • He independently makes his bed.
  • He can follow 8 step written directions.
  • He can write out a short grocery list and pay with cash up to $25.
  • He can answer "What can you do with?" about 17 items.
  • He can measure items to the nearest 1/4 of an inch.
  • He can unload the dishwasher and run the vacuum.


  • He is almost potty trained!  He hasn't spread poop in at least 6 months.
  • He has independently asked to use the restroom.
  • He can tell you his name, his parent's names, his phone number, and address.
  • He can follow 39 rote commands (clap, pat tummy, stand up, etc.).
  • He can count up to 27 items.
  • He can answer 27 "What" questions?
  • He has mastered 7 different 2-step commands.
  • He has 6 communication reciprocation phrases.
  • He can show understanding of "on, under, and inside".
  • His tantrums have significantly decreased.

We are so lucky to have our wonderful team!  They are dedicated to see the boys grow and succeed.  I can't wait to see what the new year brings.  I have so much hope.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacey,

    I just started to read your blog today. I work with Tim and I know Nick from when he was on my sons floor hockey team. My husband and Tim coached the boys for a couple years. My older son is also on the Affton High football team.

    Your blog is amazing! I thank you for having the courage to be so honest. Quite frankly I can't imagine how you manage it all. I want to say something like God only gives people what they can handle but no one wants to hear that cliche line! For some reason that only He knows, you and Tim have been chosen as the parents of these three unique boys. God bless you for your dedication and tenacity on their behalf. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story!

    Alison Nixon
