Nate is sick.....we didn't know he was sick....he seemed just fine. His teacher emailed me yesterday that Nate didn't eat any lunch and fell asleep during Music Therapy. This is not like Nate, he never misses a meal and has to be medicated to sleep.
I called the doctor and Tim took him in. He has an ear infection that has progressed so much that his eardrum was blistered. Tim said the doctor looked a little upset and tried to kindly ask, "Did you really not know he was sick?" Tim replied, "This is the child who walked around for two days with a ruptured appendix."
So this is one of the reasons that I hate autism......My child can not tell me he doesn't feel well. We have to rely on watching his behaviors and trusting our instincts. I am grateful that the teacher emailed me. I forgot that he was in a new building and not with the people who know him so well. His teacher now knows the signs when he does not feel well.
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