Things have been crazy busy with school starting. It was worse this year because my school started before the boys' did. That made it difficult to get into their classrooms with all their stuff and have lengthy discussions with their teachers. We took Nate and Noah into each of their new schools every day for over a week to help the transition.
I am convinced that Southview is the place for Nate. I actually got an email from his teacher last week that said, "Nate fits in really well here." I have NEVER been told that he fits in anywhere! I can't tell you how that made me feel. Even though it is difficult to tell, I am convinced that Nate is happy. He just seems less stressed. I am told that he really enjoys the cooking. They made pancakes on the first day of school and I think he was sold.
Noah is also off to a good start. He has only had tantrums on two days.....the first day (expected) and yesterday when they couldn't go outside for recess due to rain. He also has stayed dry more days than he has had accidents. He has not kicked or hit anyone. He was able to go to the library with his kindergarten class and check out a book. He eats a school lunch in the cafeteria....I am not making his lunch every day and he is expanding his food choices. I keep chicking in with his teacher and she keeps assuring me that his is doing well. I always ask her, "Noah know blonde hair, tall....?" I have to wonder if part of the difference is fewer kids in his classroom. Noah is in the "autism room" with only 5 kids and 6 adults. Last year, in preschool, there were 15 students and only 5 adults.
Both boys are receiving two hours of speech and one hour of OT a week at home through Tim's health insurance. That has been fabulous! I also just spoke to a representative at the insurance company that assured me that they would put the Autism Bill into effect January 1st instead of October 1st. The law states that the servies must begin on or before the anniversary date of the policy. I freaked out when I learned that our anniversary date was October 1. That just seems cruel, doesn't it? The Autism Bill will provide ABA for $40,000 per year per child. I am hoping that it will help increase the number of speech and OT visits per year and allow for Music Therapy.
I am not used to things going so smoothly. My boss even commented on how happy I seemed. My reply was that if the boys are doing well, so am I. I am so used to constantly having some sort of battle to fight that I almost don't know what to do. Right now I think I will just sit back and enjoy the ride.
As you well deserve.