I can't believe we are back in school already. Where did the summer go?
Nate and Noah started school Monday. Nick started school Wednesday. It has been a long week with many changes.
Nate is now in the High School hallway at school. He is in a new hallway, a new room, and has all new teachers and aides. He has handled the transition well. The morning staff comes a little later, so Nate has to get his breakfast independently before they arrive. Wednesday, he was on fire. He woke up and I told him to make his pancakes. I went back in my room and left him alone. When I went back to check on him, he had his pancakes cooked (in the microwave), milk poured, and his banana. He even had his napkin! I don't think he could have done this a year ago.
Noah is in the same room with the same teacher this year. We are very happy with this. He has so many new demands and staff members at home, that it's nice to have some consistency at school. This week has worn him out! I just went downstairs to help Ruth while Noah was in total melt down. He finally pulled it together and is finishing his speech session at the table with a bowl of ice cream. She is making him work for each bite. He is working very hard to get his tongue out to lick the spoon.
We have had many staff changes at home. Because the boys get attached to the home staff, these changes can be challenging. It's also difficult to get someone new used to the flow of the house. Noah seems to make it his personal mission to test a new staff member multiple times to see if he/she really means business.
The insurance company is still very stingy with the hours. The days of having both boys staffed from 4:15 - 7:15 are over. We are trying to get Noah more funding from the state. We submitted a huge packet in hopes of getting a Lopez Waiver. This will give us many more hours of staffing that will be paid for by the state. We have our fingers crossed.......
Nick started middle school this week. He is now in the same building as Tim. He spent a lot of time this summer practicing his locker! I think that having Tim in the building is helping to alleviate some of the stress. The middle school is quite large and involves switching classes every hour. We hope he will expand his social circle (ok, it's 2 friends...not really a circle) this year.
The house is still in its perpetual state of crazy. Between football and the string of therapists that come into the house, it's quite a bit to take in. It's a good thing I have ice cream........
It seems like Nick is enjoying middle school. I am sure Tim told you we have an adjusted schedule the first few days.I have been able to see Nick and he helped me in the garden today.The beginning of the school year is so stressful and for you guys, I am sure so hectic.Take care...Just wanted to drop you a note...