Friday, March 25, 2011

We were on a break....

Dear Autism,

We were just on a break. I didn't totally break up with you. I mean, how could I? Even though I hate you, you are what made my boys who they are today. And I love them no matter what.

So, back to the break. I just needed a few days....3 to be exact. I needed to not be the mother of kids with autism. I needed to just be Stacey. I needed to not worry about meds and therapy. I needed to not check to see if progress was being made. I needed to not have to ask someone to use their words or to stop twirling my hair. I needed to not see a naked 6 year old boy running around the house. So, I took a break.

I grabbed some girlfriends and went to New Orleans. I walked around the city and enjoyed myself. I did not give anyone their meds. I did not talk to any of the therapists. I did not put Noah's clothes on him for the umpteenth time. I ate great food and sampled fabulous cocktails. I lived my life, not Autism's.

So now the break is over and I'm back with a vengeance. I am ready for anything you bring. The break did not make me feel guilty. Instead, it made me stronger and a better opponent. So Autism, just remember, I will never leave or give up. I will fight you tooth and nail. I will fight you for my will not win.

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