We had a meeting with Noah's teachers 3 weeks ago. It wasn't a full IEP, but Tim and I just wanted to check in to see how things were going. Apparently, not too well.......
The only time he could sit for any length of time was during Music Therapy. So, of course, I'm like "let's increase music therapy to twice a week." The Speech Therapist couldn't give me any infor mation because she can't get him to sit and participate in speech. Now, who would think Noah could handle speech in a group of 5 kids? The OT pretty much said the same thing. We decided to start an Adaptive PE evaluation and hold another meeting to rewrite some of his goals to be more academic.
This past Friday, I got an email from his teacher. He was having more and more difficulty following directions. Any time a demand was being placed on him, he would drop to the floor, kick, bite, and scream "outside!" He wanted to go outside to swing. She said that at times the fits would last 30 minutes. Now, the strange thing is that he's been good at home. I guess he was so tired after his day at school that he just didn't have another fit in him.
So, Tim and I decided it was time to send Noah to Southview (the special school Nate attends). I called to get the ball rolling and told them that I would like him to start at the new school the Monday after Thanksgiving. we were really hoping to put this off a while like we were able to with Nate. Unfortunately, Noah's behavior is so explosive. We feel that the staff will be better able to come up with a plan for him. We have seen how much Nate has flourished and hope Noah will too.
I hope all you parents with typical children know how lucky you are.
This blog definitely puts it into perspective for me Stacey.